Request your personal information from the Department of Work and Pensions


It would be useful to know what DWP holds on your personal file and we suggest all WASPI campaigners should ask for this information. Requests for personal information are also called ‘Subject Access Requests’ or ‘SARs’ and the DWP will not charge you for this service.

There’s a simple online form (see below) – no letter writing this time. You just need to fill in the fields required, print it and post it off to the DWP – simple as that!    It takes up to 40 days to get a reply. Women are getting back lots of useful information from the Personal File requests and some are finding it helpful to claim more qualifying NI years as a result.

Keep a Copy:  At all stages make a note of the date you sent your letter or SAR and keep a copy of what you sent.

If you don’t get a response within their timescales for reply then write again and complain again.

The DWP publishes a Personal Information charter about the service you should receive.

To ask for a copy of the personal information DWP holds about you, please click here to open the application form via the Government’s website (link opens in new tab)