“We’re worried for our own families. We know that if it...

Debbie de Spon, Communications Director for the WASPI campaign and local group coordinator for Norfolk, speaks exclusively to the Express. Read the full story here...

Amber Rudd ‘sceptical’ that Boris Johnson will provide money for WASPI...

Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd has suggested there is little chance of women affected by the changes to the state pension age being...

Pension age campaign “a dog’s dinner”

Government adverts made a dog's dinner of the pension age campaign - and they knew it. Read the full story here (link opens in new...

Government is blasted for ‘shambolic’ awareness campaign

Money Mail lays bare the shambolic attempts by the Government to warn women about the rise in state pension age. Read the full story here...

Any Questions On Radio 4 This Week

A WASPI Question was asked on Any Questions on Radio 4 this week You can hear the discussion here. PLESE SCROLL FORWARD TO 39 MINUTES. Click To...

105,000 Facebook “Likes”!

The WASPI Campaign continues to go from strength to strength with over 105,000 "Likes" on Facebook. Do please click here to visit our Facebook Page...