Plans to set up a WASPI group in Ceredigion

Cardigan Guildhall was packed with women from across Ceredigion and their families affected by the UK Government’s state pension changes at a meeting set...

Peter Stefanovic is fighting for the WASPI Campaign!

High profile UK-based lawyer Peter Stefanovic says: "IF A WOMAN YOU LOVED was BETRAYED & ROBBED & LEFT DESTITUTE by someone she trusted you...

Carole Malone slams government for “forever clobbering people in their 60s”

In 2011 the British Government increased state pension age for women in a move to achieve equality for men and women by 2020. The increase...

Michelle Dewberry says the government needs to listen to WASPI women

Michelle Dewberry says the government needs to listen to the WASPI women who have seen their age of retirement rise from 60 to 65.

WASPI women gather for annual rally near Falkirk

A WASPI rally was held at the Helix Park near Falkirk on Saturday 14th July to coincide with the anniversary of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst’s...

WASPI women rally in Birmingham for pension rights

BBC News report on a rally attended by hundreds at Birmingham's Millennium Point on Saturday 14 July 2018, which would have been the birthday...