The House of Commons Library is not only a library, but also a research and information service based in UK Parliament. It publishes politically impartial and rigorously fact-checked policy analysis and statistical research for MPs and their staff. It also catalogues and stores reports from all Government departments, including the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO). Once a report is over three years old it can still be accessed through the House of Commons library. Below are documents relating to the changes to the State Pension age for WASPI women.

Document title Date Published/ updated Document Type Link 
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) final reports  21-Mar-23 Women’s State Pension age: our findings on injustice and associated issues PHSO report HC638
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) final reports  19-Jul-21 Women’s State Pension age: our findings on the Department for Work and Pensions’ communication of changes to Women’s State Pension age. PHSO report HC444
State Pension 2020: FAQs 28-Jul-20 Questions constituents raise with their MPs Hoc Briefing cbp-7981
Analysis relating to State Pension age changes from the 1995 and 2011 Pensions Acts 07-Jun-19 Research and Analysis Analysis of SPa changes
Increases to the State Pension age for women born in the 1950s (updated on a regular basis whenever there is a change in circumstances) Briefing on the legislation increasing the State Pension age for women and the Campaigns against it Hoc Briefing cbp-7405
    (includes links to current supporting documents: Timetables, Constituency Estimates and Working Age Benefits) Â