Excellent attendance of supportive MPs at Jim Shannon’s Debate 12th March 2024


There was excellent attendance of supportive MPs at Jim Shannon’s Debate today in Parliament. Thank you to all the women who emailed their MPs – it clearly had the desired effect. Those MPs who spoke had been well briefed by the campaign and debated the WASPI issue with consideration and passion. What was notable was that it was a genuinely cross party debate, with representatives of six political parties, and significant that there were new Conservative MPs making representations on our behalf. The collective plea was for the Government to waste no more time in considering compensation for WASPI women, and righting this historic wrong. We thank Jim Shannon and all the MPs who spoke for us and will be featuring more of their comments in the next few days.

To see the MPs who attended click here and download the list.

Remember that there was no vote, it was an opportunity for MPs to debate and the DWP were required to send a spokesperson which on this occasion was Paul Maynard. Also, MPs come and go during it, and because an MP doesn’t attend it doesn’t mean they’re not interested or supportive. So thank you to all who emailed their MPs. It is worth doing, even if you think they aren’t listening.

To listen to the whole debate you can do so here:


  1. Hello
    Joycelyn here.
    I am a new member trying to join a WASPI group and be a little involved. I am will to travel.
    Can someone offer help and advice. I have tried unsuccessfully to join one group- but no reply.
    Membership bunburyju67654300