Evidence Submitted To Parliamentary Committees

Committees consider policy issues, scrutinise Government work, expenditure, and examine proposals for primary and secondary legislation.  Committees particularly relevant to WASPI are The Works and Pension Committee (Chair: Stephen Timms) and The Women and Equalities Committee (Chair: Caroline Notes).  The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on State Pension Inequality for Women (Co Chairs: Andrew Gwynn, Peter Aldous) are considering how best to resolve the injustices caused by the DWP’s maladministration of the Communication of changes to the State Pension age.  We regularly check the committee schedules, and will provide evidence to any inquiry which can influence the Government to improve the situation of WASPI women.  Below are links to evidence already accepted by various inquiries.

Select CommitteeInquiryDate PublishedLink to Evidence
Works and PensionCorrespondence with the Secretary of State relating to PHSO report on women’s State Pension age15-May-24https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/44792/documents/222433/default/
Work and PensionsOral Evidence: PHSO Report on Women’s State Pension Age: Angela Madden, Jane Cowley (WASPI; Rebecca Long Bailey MP, Peter Aldous MP (APPG); Rebecca Hilsenrath, Karl Bannister (PHSO) 07-May-24committees.parliament.uk/oralevidence/14780/pdf/
Work and Pensions WASPI Written Evidence: PHSO Report on Women’s State Pension Age (published 21 March 2024)Apr-24https://www.waspi.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/WASPI-submission-Work-Pensions-SC-2.pdf-FINAL-2.pdf
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC)Third Special Report: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Scrutiny 2022 – 2023: Government and PHSO Response23-May-24Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Scrutiny 2022–23: Government and PHSO response
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC)Third Report: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Scrutiny 2022 – 202304-Mar-24Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Scrutiny 2022–23
Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee (PACAC)WASPI Written Evidence: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Scrutiny 2022 – 202309-Nov-23committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/125710/pdf/
Historic Evidence: 
State Pension Inequality for WomenOral evidence: On Wednesday 26 November, the APPG met for an evidence session with 1950s born women’s groups. These are the minutes from that oral evidence session.30-Nov-21APPG on State Pension Inequality for Women Evidence Session: Minutes – Andrew Gwynne MP
State Pension Inequality for WomenPerspective on PHSO report and other issues pertinent to the APPG18-Oct-21Waspi Submission
Economic AffairsEmployment and Covid-1923-Sep-20 EcAff EMP0016
Covid-19Life Beyond Covid18-Sep-20 Covid-19 LBC0236
Women & EqualitiesUnequal Impact: Coronavirus and the gendered economic impact17-Sep-20CVG0041
Health & Social CareSocial Care: Funding and Workforce08-Sep-20SCF0080
Work & PensionsDWP’s preparations for changes to the world of work22-Jul-20W&P PCW0016
Treasury Economic Impact of Coronavirus16-Jun-20 Treasury EIC0457
Work & PensionsDWP’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak10-Jun-20W&P SWP0085
Women & EqualitiesUnequal Impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics03-Jun-20W&E MRS0186
Work & PensionsOral Evidence: Understanding the New State Pension16-Dec-15W&P HC 550-ii
Work & PensionsWritten Evidence: Understanding the New State Pension Dec 15W&P USP0084