In late 2023 we polled WASPI women on a number of related topics.

Their responses were illuminating.

  • Of 8,000 WASPI women polled, three-quarters (75 per cent) claim Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has “no understanding” of their concerns. Two in five say the same of Keir Starmer.
  • More than half (60 per cent) of women affected by last minute State Pension age changes say they remain undecided about how they will vote at the next election.

The findings show WASPI women are really disillusioned since both main party leaders seem oblivious to the impact DWP’s mistakes have had on millions of us. 

WASPI Chair Angela Madden has responded:

“Since one of the affected women is sadly dying every 13 minutes, we just cannot afford for politicians to dither any longer.  It is time for both big parties to show their hands on this and make clear whether or not they care about the women DWP plunged into poverty.”